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Blue Skies

If you have produced an amazing book that deserves an audience...

Then look no further than Simonstone. We know how to reach an audience who will love your book, and how to effectively market to them.

What we are looking for...

We are looking for new authors who have unique, highly marketable concepts that can capture reader's imagination.  In the way that Andy Weir's The Martian or even Lee Child's Jack Reacher were initially ignored by publishers they approached, we believe that future superstars can be overlooked. We specialise in crime fiction and thrillers, but we will also consider fantasy and young adult fiction primarily aimed at a male audience.  If you could share the central concept and the first three chapters of your book on the email below, along with a little about yourself, we will give your manuscript consideration. We will reply to you either way, but due to high volumes of submissions, please allow us 4 to 6 weeks for a response.


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